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Why Donate

Charlotte Village Network relies on donations large and small to support our volunteer driven non-profit organization to help older adults safely stay in the home they love with our services and support. As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, donations are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations and may be made honor the memory of others.

                                                                                                  The Charlotte older adult care gap means 32,000 
                                                                                                   (70,000 by 2030) older adults in Charlotte can
                                                                                              expect to receive no aging care from traditional sources. 

Unmet Need...

Census data and local surveys show a growing and unmet need for those who neither qualify currently for Medicaid or cannot afford assisted living retirement communities. Please read 
MECK 60+ Study: Needs Assessment of Older Adults, 2017-2019